About Us

What is CareerVictor ?

You can find several skills, talents, hobbies, and occupations across the globe. 

There are people who master such skills and talents, passing them down to the next. 

In CareerVictor, we set out, searching for such masters and experts, to help you learn from them. 

You name a skill you want to learn, we find you a professional!

Who are behind this Master Plan?


A team of passionate web developers, content writers, thinkers, and entrepreneurs have joined hands together to bring you your dreams.

Santosh Kumar

The man behind this concept, Entrepreneur, Dreamer, Thinker, Social Worker and Freelancer

Bushra Rahmani

Bushra Rahmani

Creative Director, Co Founder, Content Writer, Doctor, Published Author and Owner of OakWords

Jitendra Kumar

Jitendra Kumar Das

Web Developer and Designer, Social Media Marketer, Graphic Designer and Owner of RajyaBhumika

Faizur Rahman

Content Writer, Social Media Strategist, Freelancer, Blogger, Published Author

Aditi Sharma

Aditi Sharma

Content Writer, SEO Analyst, Online Student Councilor and Lead Generator

Isha Katey

Isha Katey

Content Writer, SEO Analyst, Online Student Councilor and Lead Generator

Jyoti Author

Jyoti Patel

Author, Poet, World Record Holder, Goodwill Ambassador, Founder of 3 Startup​s

We assist you in reaching the pinnacle you've dreamed about.

Take a step first, for us to help you leap.

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